27 November 2013

The orange side of Fashion

Imges: First image of the Barbadian singer Rihanna, second image is of Shala Monroque, third image is of the painter Barbara Matthews von Enger and last image: street style paris. Don't you just love how fashion does Orange? So fruity and playful. I like Shala's and Barbara's images best. I believe Barbara is wearing a Versace dress. And everyone knows no-one does Prada better than Shala. As for Rihanna - we adore the trousers!


  1. It is so interesting that orange can actually be so bold and so neutral as well. I love the different styles of orange apparel here!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  2. I agree Barbara looks great. Rihanna does not look bad either. I actually first thought Rihanna is Barbara. M.

  3. I'm totally jealous of people who can pull off orange. It's def not my color. Love these looks tho!
    xx, M

    The Marcy Stop

  4. Oh I love that last dress. So sassy and adorable. Kisses
